At Mother-Son Mass & Breakfast, Blue Jays Reflect Upon the Special Bond with Their Mothers

At Sunday’s Mother-Son Mass & Breakfast, seniors Kevin Mickan and Richard Williams, pictured with their mothers Jan Mickan and Dr. Kim Williams, gave moving speeches about their mothers that resulted in more than a few misty eyes in the audience.
Despite a possible threat by Tropical Storm Karen, the Mother-Son Mass and Breakfast was held on a beautiful, cool Sunday, Oct. 7. More than 640 Blue Jay mothers and sons celebrated Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, then walked across the street to enjoy breakfast at the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. Seniors Kevin Mickan and Richard Williams each addressed the audience, giving moving speeches about their mothers that resulted in more than a few misty eyes.
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Mother-Son Mass & Breakfast, Oct. 6, 2013
The processional enters the Church of the Immaculate Conception lead by sophomore altar server sophomore John Kemmerly.
Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. '76 begins mass, concelebrated with Fr. Donald Saunders, Fr. Nick Schiro, and Fr. John Brown (not pictured).
Senior John Guerra reads the First Reading.
Pre-freshman Dean Poche reads the Second Reading.
Senior James Szeszycki (left) and his mother, Kathy, and pre-freshman Leo John Arnett and his mother, Candace, serve as gift bearers during Mass.
Fr. Fitzgerald prepares the Holy Eucharist.
Jesuit thanks the parishoners of the Church of the Immaculate Conception for their hospitality.
Members of the Jesuit chorus, led by Mrs. Kate Arthurs, sing during Communion.
Holy Communion is distributed.
Following Mass, Blue Jay mothers and sons cross the street and head to breakfast at the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel.
Blue Jays and their mothers attend the Mother-Son Mass pre-freshman John Nuttli and his mother, Mary; freshman Jack North and his mother, Terri; junior Daniel Edmund and his mother, Rebecca; and junior Patrick LaCour and his mother, Yvette.
The ballroom in the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel was completely full, with more than 640 Blue Jay mothers and sons in attendance.
Senior Kevin Mickan gives a moving speech about how much his mother means to him.
Senior Richard Williams relates a story about his love for his mother.
Senior Richard Williams and his mother, Dr. Kim Williams.
Senior Kevin Mickan and his mother, Jan Mickan.
Senior speakers Kevin Mickan (second from left) and Richard Williams pose with their mothers, Jan Mickan and Dr. Kim Williams.
A group of pre-freshmen gather with their supportive mothers. From left, Dean Poche and his mother, Michelle; James Mason and his mother, Rebecca; Blair Loupe and his mother, Dottie; Trent Greco and his mother, Lynette; and Evan Alphonso and his mother, Erin.
A group of sophomores and their mothers: (seated from left) Jennifer Gerarve and her son, Phillip Gerarve; Sandee Krizan and her son, Kenneth Krizan; and (standing) Noah Billeaud and his mother, Mary Billeaud.
Sophomore Dane Castillo and his mother, Nina.
A quartet of senior Blue Jays: Corey Webb and his mother, Hope; Chase Eckholdt and his mother, Rhonda; Jack Hebert and his mother, Melanie; and Will Tebbe and his mother, Denise.
Senior Blue Jays and their mothers: Grant Nichols and his mother, Karen; Brett Spansel and his mother, Joy; and Riley Conroy and his mother, Ginny.
Beth Lacoste is flanked by her sons, pre-freshman Christian and senior Jordan.