Mass of the Holy Spirit a Solemn Occasion for Blue Jays to Reflect

Posted August 30, 2014 / Last updated September 5, 2014

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The Mass of the Holy Spirit on Friday in the Chapel of the North American Martys is a solemn and spiritual event that is steeped in history and tradition.

The Mass of the Holy Spirit on Friday in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs is a solemn and spiritual event that is steeped in history and tradition.

The first Mass of the new school year is the Mass of the Holy Spirit, a solemn and significant spiritual event that is as old as the Society of Jesus. The Mass has a revered place in the history of the Jesuits and Jesuit High School. All one has to do is look through some old issues of Jesuit’s student newspaper.

Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J., president of Jesuit High School, was the main celebrant at the 2014 Mass of the Holy Spirit. His homily described the 4 Lies at Jesuit High School and how the Holy Spirit can help us recognize the truth.

Fr. McGinn’s homily described the “4 Lies” at Jesuit High School and how the Holy Spirit can help us recognize the truth and understand God’s plan for us.

The Sept. 29, 1928 issue of The Blue Jay carried a brief article about the large attendance at that year’s Mass, which was held on a Saturday at St. Anthony of Padua Church on Canal Street. It was impossible to hold the Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception on Baronne Street because the Jesuit church had been “condemned and demolished.”

The article stated: “According to long-established custom at the Jesuit High School the first students’ Mass at every school year is dedicated to the Holy Ghost, in order to obtain His gifts to help the students in their work. The Church was packed with boys, all of whom received Communion… Fr. Walsh… exhorted the boys to pray to the Holy Ghost for courage, love, and faith, as the apostles had.”

The 1,422 Blue Jays who filled the Chapel of the North American Martyrs on Friday were encouraged by Jesuit president Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J. to pray to be open to God’s Holy Spirit.

“Let us always remember the truth is our best friend, our advocate, the one called to stand beside us in challenging times to give us the advice that we need,” Fr. McGinn said in his homily, which also revealed to Blue Jays the “four biggest lies at Jesuit High School.”

What are the four biggest lies?

Watch the Video of Fr. McGinn’s Homily at the Mass of the Holy Spirit.

View the Photo Gallery of the Mass.
