MCJROTC Teams Attend Camp to Prepare for School Year

The MCJROTC Band practices performance pieces in the third floor band room under the direction of juniors Tristan Killgore and Dane Castillo.
Jesuit’s Marine Corps JROTC Program held a week-long camp for its co-curricular teams August 4-9 in preparation for the the school year.
New cadets attended an orientation on Monday, followed by two days each of Rifle Team camp, Drill Team camp, and Marine Band camp. Cadets also practiced in Armed and Unarmed Drill Team camps.
The Rifle Team practices marksmanship to learn self-discipline, patience, concentration, and, above all, safety. The Drill Teams prepares precision drills for a highly competitive year. The Marine Corps JROTC Band, led this year by juniors Dane Castillo and Tristan Killgore, practices to perform at parades, ceremonies, and special events.
Learn more about Jesuit’s MCJROTC and the other 60+ co-curricular activities offered in the 2014 – 2015 school year.
MCJROTC Camps, August 4-9, 2014
The MCJROTC Rifle Team relaxes after a long day of training.
The MCJROTC Armed Drill Team practice drills in camp.
The MCJROTC band members attended a two-day camp to prepare for the school year.
The MCJROTC band practice formations on Will Clark Field.
The MCJROTC band breaks from practicing drills. Standing (from L): Junior Dane Castillo, freshman Jordan Merritt, sophomore Cameron Rosen, senior Matthew Mitchell, freshman Matthew Richards, sophomore Alex Tisdale, sophomore John McCord, junior Jared Headrick, and junior Tristan Killgore; Front row: freshman Leo John Arnett, pre-freshman Cael Meilleur, sophomore Seth Reed, pre-freshman Lucas Deane, junior Nick Fresneda, and junior Trai Gerkin.
The MCJROTC Band practices performance pieces in the third floor band room under the direction of juniors Tristan Killgore and Dane Castillo.
The MCJROTC Band pauses for a mid-day break on the second day of camp.