Palmyra Street Construction to Restrict Parking, Alter Traffic
The Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans will be replacing subsurface equipment, underneath Palmyra St., and build a new service access building further onto the property at the corner of Solomon and Palmyra streets. The project will begin in the second week of November 2014 and take one year to complete. It will restrict parking and traffic flow exiting the courtyard.
No Parking on Palmyra by School Buildings
For the duration of the project, there will be no parking on Palmyra St. between Solomon and Carrollton Ave.
Traffic Flow Changes
During this project, vehicular traffic exiting the school yard from the rear gate can continue down Solomon St. towards Canal St.
November through April 2015: No Right Turn on Palmyra
For the first five months of the project, vehicles exiting the yard via the rear gate will not be able to turn right on Palmyra St. and head towards Carrollton Ave. They will only be able to continue down Solomon St. towards Canal St.
April through December 2015: One Lane Open on Palmyra
For the final seven months of the project, one lane of Palmyra St. will open to allow vehicular traffic exiting the yard from the rear gate to turn right on Palmyra St. toward Carrollton Ave. Traffic can also continue down Solomon St. toward Canal St.
Parking will still be restricted on Palmyra St. until the completion of the project.
Close the Parking Gaps
Also, for those of you who park on Carrollton and Banks streets, we ask that you do NOT stop in the middle of the block to park. Instead, pull all the way up to the parked car ahead of you so as many vehicles as possible may park on these streets.