Jesuit Quiz Bowl Teams Face Off in Finals at Mount Carmel Tourney

Posted December 9, 2015 / Last updated December 9, 2015

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Standing from left is Team A: junior Preston Warwick,senior  D.J. Ogbomah, senior Anthony Stoner, senior Andrew Cerise (team captain),  junior Keegan Rooney. Kneeling from left is Team B:  sophomores Eddie Redmann, Caleb Rogers, Robert Cerise (team captain), William Brown, and Ethan Erhardt.

Standing from left is Team A: junior Preston Warwick, senior D.J. Ogbomah, senior Anthony Stoner, senior Andrew Cerise (team captain), junior Keegan Rooney. Kneeling from left is Team B: sophomores Eddie Redmann, Caleb Rogers, Robert Cerise (team captain), William Brown, and Ethan Erhardt.

Jesuit’s two varsity quiz bowl teams faced off in the championship match in the Mount Carmel Invitational tournament on Saturday, Dec. 5. In the Blue and White matchup, Team A took the the top prize.

Both teams went undefeated in preliminary rounds, with a 9-1 record going into finals. Team A, composed of seniors Andrew Cerise, D.J. Ogbomah, and Anthony Stoner joined by juniors Keegan Rooney and Preston Warwick, outscored most of their opponents by over 300 points. The all-sophomore Team B, composed of William Brown, Robert Cerise, Ethan Erhardt, Eddie Redmann and Caleb Rogers, also went 9-1 thereby setting up a championship game between Jesuit’s two teams, each captained by a Cerise brother. That game became a shoot-out between each team’s most valuable player — Stoner vs. Rogers. The final score, Team A – 320, Team B – 315.