
With an educational program that extends beyond the intellect and beyond the classroom, Jesuit provides students with a wide array of co-curricular offerings through which they discover, explore, and cultivate their interests and abilities.
From service and spiritual organizations to the fine and performing arts, Jesuit’s clubs and co-curriculars have been a crucial part of the Blue Jay student experience since the school’s founding. Beginning with the Sodality and the Philelectic Society founded in the mid-1800s, Blue Jays have been formed by these important opportunities for the entirety of the school’s history.
With 67 clubs, honor societies, and varsity athletics available—and more being formed all the time—there is a perfect fit for every Blue Jay in Jesuit’s co-curricular options. For ideas or passions not yet represented amongst these choices, current students can use the New Club Proposal Form to start a new student organization.
Academic Games
Jordan Holmer Head Coach
Acoustic Guitar Club
Leslie Merritt Moderator
Art Club
Meg Jennings Moderator
Astronomy Club
Nick Nolfe Moderator
Beach Volleyball Club
Pam Catalano Moderator
Big 23 Club
John Kling Moderator
Biology Club
Amy Tassin Moderator
Blue Jay Annual
Danny Fitzpatrick Moderator
Blue Jay Band
Joe Caluda Director
Jason Giaccone Associate Director
Blue Jay Jazz Band
Jason Giaccone Director
Chris Bowes Moderator
Krista Roeling Moderator
Chess Club/Team
Jacob Campos Moderator
Larry Dagate Moderator
Chi Alpha Mu
Leslie Merritt Moderator
Michael Speyrer Moderator
Angelo Lupinetti Director
Classic Rock Club
Mary Favalora Moderator
Creative Writing Club
Mark Babin Moderator
Debate Team
Ian Gunn Coach
Fishing Club
Helen Swan Moderator
French Club
Patrick Benoit Moderator
Gizzard Gaming
Matt Firmin Moderator
Green Club
Karen Harper Moderator
Ice Cream Social
Paul Hatty Moderator
Intramural Sports
Derrick Martin Moderator
Investment Club
John Lavie Moderator
Susan de Boisblanc Moderator
Erin Castille Head Coach
Jesuit Medical Society
Amy Tassin Moderator
Jesuit Men of Color
Jay Combe Moderator
Chris LaMothe Moderator
Craig Himel Moderator
J.R. Piseno Moderator
Mock Trial
Brett Wise Head Coach
Greg Ernst Moderator
Model United Nations
Wade Trosclair Moderator
Movie Critics Club
Chris Bowes Moderator
Mike Begg Moderator
Mu Alpha Theta
Kate Brauner Moderator
National Honor Society
Danny Fitzpatrick Moderator
Paintball Club
J.R. Piseno Moderator
Philosophy Club
Jed Delahoussaye Moderator
Pickleball Club
Stephanie Strain Moderator
Poker Club
Josh Bourgeois Moderator
Politics and Pastries
Pam Catalano Moderator
Prep Quiz Bowl
Joe Knight Moderator
Kevin Yokum Head Coach
Pro-Life Club
Susan de Boisblanc Moderator
Produce Club
Roger Bacon Moderator
Robotics Team
Travis Kieff Moderator
Sailing Team
Donald McKoin Coach
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Kristen Austin Moderator
Wess Mandella Moderator
Société Honoraire de Français
Patrick Benoit Moderator
Spanish Club
Andrea Schalker Moderator
Kendall Gibson Moderator
Sports Analysis Club
Justin Genovese Moderator
Student Council
Justin Genovese Moderator
James Linn Moderator
The Blue Jay Newspaper
Peter Flores Moderator
Video Games Club
Roger Bacon Moderator
Peter Flores Moderator