
Relentlessly pursuing God’s greater glory, Jesuit’s program of Christian formation animates every aspect of school life for Blue Jay students, teachers, parents, and alumni.
The motto of the Society of Jesus is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam: for the greater glory of God. Jesuit’s radical commitment to this transformative principle defines and elevates every aspect of the Jesuit experience for students and families. As a part of every Blue Jay’s journey at Jesuit, spiritual formation is both explicit and implicit, both intellectual and embodied.
Theology Curriculum
Jesuit’s theology curriculum provides an immersive five-year exploration of the Christian faith within the Catholic tradition. Students progress from foundational Scripture studies to more complex themes such as ecclesiology, the theology of the sacraments, and Christian ethics and morality. Advanced topics include Christian vocations, social justice, and a deep study of authors such as C.S. Lewis. The curriculum integrates intellectual rigor with practical application, supporting Jesuit’s mission of shaping students for a life of purpose and spiritual depth.
Retreats and Programming
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, serve as the cornerstone for spiritual formation at Jesuit. Practical training in Christian living is realized in the Campus Ministry program through retreats, days of reflection, liturgies, and other forms of personal spiritual formation. All students are offered opportunities to evaluate their spiritual life and relationship with God through thoughtfully structured annual retreats.
Jesuit’s retreats and spiritual offerings extend “through all the days of life.” Families have countless opportunities to participate in their sons’ spiritual lives: weekly Mother’s Rosary, the annual Father-Son Retreat, and special family Masses are just the tip of the iceberg. Alumni frequently return to Jesuit to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Matrimony. Four annual Evenings of Reflections bring parents and alumni to campus for lectures from speakers ranging from local Jesuits to world-renowned philosophers.
Jesuit’s service program involves students in meaningful service projects throughout their entire student experience on Carrollton & Banks. Each student’s personal service experience builds up to his intensive 100-hour senior service project, an immersive and tailored experience.
At the level of the entire school community, service is a Jesuit hallmark. The annual Thanksgiving Drive is a century-long New Orleans tradition that feeds hundreds of local families, and the annual Mission Drive supports critical domestic and international causes. Beyond these peak experiences, countless service opportunities are available throughout the year.
The school’s culture of service cultivates in students lifelong compassion, self-efficacy, leadership, and selflessness. When students become alumni, they are motivated and equipped to live their lives as the men for others that our community and world need.