Liturgy & Worship

Jesuit is a Catholic school which accepts and promotes the values of communal worship. All members of the school community, including non-Catholic students, attend Masses and other liturgical celebrations such as the Thanksgiving Prayer Service and Stations of the Cross. All students are required to attend monthly celebrations of the Eucharist, including the Mass of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the school year, holy days of obligation (such as All Saints’ Day and the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception), and other feast days or appropriate religious observances. The Baccalaureate Mass is an integral part of the commencement exercises and attendance at this Mass is mandatory for all seniors.

Daily Mass

Daily at 7:15 am in the Holy Name of Jesus Chapel

School-wide Mass

Monthly in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs


Daily in the Holy Name of Jesus chapel during the 2nd half of lunch

By appointment with the chaplain

Eucharistic Adoration

Fridays from 745am-3pm during the school year in the Holy Name of Jesus Chapel