Sophomore Silent Retreat

The Sophomore Silent Retreat takes place on the grounds of Manresa House of Retreats in Convent, LA.

The Sophomore Silent Retreat takes place on the grounds of Manresa House of Retreats in Convent, LA.

The Sophomore Silent Retreat is a daylong retreat away from school focusing on silent Ignatian prayer and contemplation. Following the scheme of the daily Examen, the retreat leads students through a review of their recent lives with gratitude and contrition to God. The day begins with a brief presentation about the method of prayer and the presence of God. Student are given ample time for conversation with the Lord in prayer on the grounds of Manresa.


Sophomores should meet in the Traditions Courtyard at Jesuit at 7:45 on the morning of their scheduled retreat. After the 8 a.m. bell, buses will transport students to the Manresa House of Retreats in Convent, LA. Buses will return to Jesuit before the end of the school day at 3 p.m. Faculty chaperones will be on hand to accompany students on their retreat. Students are assigned to a retreat date by theology class. Lunch will be provided during the day, there is no need to bring any additional food, though it is recommended they eat breakfast before their arrival to school.

Dress Code and Behavior

Dress for the day is casual but respectful: jeans or decent shorts, pullover shirt or presentable T-shirt (no T-shirts advertising liquor or bearing suggestive messages), and tennis shoes are all acceptable. Students should wear something that would be acceptable at a casual family function. As a Jesuit school function, all school rules of conduct apply. Cell phones are not allowed on the Sophomore Silent Retreat. Student need only bring a copy of the Bible. Student should not bring other books or electronic devices which would distract from the prayerful purpose of the day.