Day 1 Discipline…

Wild Photo Archives Posted September 10th, 2019 Last updated September 10th, 2019

Poised pre-freshman Ethan Schaeffer marches down the 3rd-floor hallway during lunch on a Regular Order, Day 1. This day has more significance for Jesuit MCJROTC cadets, who have been issued the camouflage uniform to wear on Day 1, known for cadets as “Uniform Day.” The Marine Corps JROTC program requires that cadets wear their uniform at least one day a week. Any time a cadet wears his or her uniform, it should always be worn with pride and care. Cadets must always be careful to be on their best behavior when wearing their uniforms. Improper behavior by cadets is not tolerated at any time, and is severely dealt with if in uniform. The uniform worn by Schaeffer and other cadets on this particular Day 1 is called the Utility/Camouflage. Soon, the cadets will be issued their “Charlies,” the service uniform.