Moving Monday…
Wild Photo Archives Posted August 6th, 2018 Last updated August 7th, 2018
The 2nd-floor 1953 wing and the entire third floor have been off limits all summer for classroom renovations. After many weeks of hard work, student volunteers and young alumni helped Jesuit’s maintenance staff by setting up 480 new desks, around 30 in each classroom. Kian Badie, Jeremy Howat, and Jonathan Howat team up to throw away empty boxes that contained brand new desks for the 2018-19 school year. For their heavy lifting and determination, the maintenance staff thanks the other students and young alumni who helped with the moving process—Marco Lagos, Momin Asif, Ryan Castellon, Richard Montoya, Hunter Richardson, Wade Rogers, Gabe Dupuy ’18, Jacob Campos ’13, and Adam Naquin ’13.