Power to Heal…
Wild Photo Archives Posted January 13th, 2016 Last updated January 18th, 2016
Senior Cole Retif (standing center in gray pullover) serves as an usher to direct Blue Jays to their pews at January’s monthly Mass, celebrated Wednesday for the entire student body in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs. The principal celebrant was Jesuit president Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J. ’66, who in his homily, spoke of the challenge we face in listening to God’s word and being open to God’s will in our lives: “We ask God for the grace, strength, and insight in our daily lives to see where He is leading us, the power He has given us, the power to heal. We all have power to heal, not physically, but we all have power to heal relationships… God gives us the strength to battle the forces of evil, the forces of evil that want to convince us that we are in charge; that ours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory; that force of evil that wants us to have our way always. The power of God, the power of the Spirit working in us enables us to respond as Jesus did… We ask God for grace and strength to make the right decisions in life.”