Sodality Leads Pilgrimage to Pray for the Souls in Purgatory…
Wild Photo Archives Posted November 8th, 2023 Last updated November 10th, 2023
The Sodality of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception hosted a a walking pilgrimage to St. Patrick’s Cemetery #1, aiming to obtain a plenary indulgence for souls in purgatory. The event saw the participation of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Sodalities, fostering a sense of unity. Co-Directors of Campus Ministry, Mr. Miraflor, S.J. and Mr. Blair, S.J., emphasizing the importance of prayers for the departed, led the students through the streets of Mid-City to the cemetery . The event concluded with a simple lunch, providing students with a moment for reflection and brotherhood. This event not only deepened their spiritual connection but also emphasized the significance of collective prayer and empathy in the Catholic faith. During the month of November, Jesuit will offer each daily Mass for the souls of all those departed in the Blue Jay community. If you would like to add the name of a loved one to be remembered at Mass, please submit their name to the Holy Souls Form.